Monday 13 December 2010

Media Evaluation of Preliminary Task

On my magazine cover. I have used the basic conventions of a magazine cover.To add a rebellious feeling to this "student" magazine I have changed the "original" layout of a typical magazine, and moved these conventions to new destinations...

For example:

The title is now placed at the bottom of the page whereas the title is usually "typically" positioned at the top of the page.

The bar code is also, "typically" positioned at the bottom right hand corner, so I have moved it up to the center top half of the page.

Also, to keep the audience interested I have sectioned it off in a different style to over manufacturers.

My media product, portrays a overall message that is positive to the readership. It approaches the readers with a "new" approach. It appeals to the students personal identity as they will be the only people who can relate to this magazine. My magazine generally represents "unique" "arty" social groups, but also, appeals to the "trendy" people too. My magazine is good as it don't just appeal to one social group making the readership bigger.

My product would be distributed to other 6th forms and colleges. As this is a student magazine. "students" being the niche market. Were I have just associated my magazine with "student" though the images, fonts, colours, and layout this makes my magazine easier to distribute. It is clearly layed out to attract the "students" encouraging them to buy this magazine.

During the process of the magazine, I was able to improve my techniques in photoshop. I was also, able to learn about the representation, and story behind the images I use in my work. I was able then to, portray a happy and soulful image telling a clear story in my magazine. I was also, then able to look at the "typical" conventions of a magazine and alter them to attract a different readership to most magazine. Because in my research I found out that allot of the students don't generally read their college magazine.

I have overall learnt allot about representation, and how it is important what image you are portraying in you Media task. Other wise you could be aiming at the wrong readership. I also, learnt that it is very important to create flat plans before starting your project. Otherwise you can become confused and unorganised if you have not. I have also, learnt how to look at a magazine with a more critical eye, to find the conventions, and also, use an analytical eye with the layout and overall design.

Monday 29 November 2010

Magazine research.

To help create my first draft of my magazine I need to find out what my audience was looking for in it and also, who my audience were?

I handed out 22 questionnaires, asking my audience typical questions about magazines.

When gathering my research I noticed that the age group of my audience was in the group of 17 - 19 or just along the border meaning I could single my Magazine off to a audience of just colleges and 6th formers. This would make it easier to distribute to my audience. Also, in my questionnaire allot of the audience preferred maths & English adcemic subjects. So when I design my layout of my magazine I will have to focus allot on the content inside. For the "mathematicians" I will add a lot of riddles and make complicated reviews and  tutorials for them to work out and keep them interested. Were as for the "Literate" I will include wiritng full of meaning and relate to allot of books ECT. But, taking into account my question "What do you dislike about magazines?" a huge majority of my audience answered that there was too much writing.

My audience are also, generally attracted to Art magazines, Fashion and Beauty and gossip magazines. So when I rethought my idea I decided I was going to go for a photography Magazine which featured Fashion & beauty, with Gossip articles mixed in. Here is a rough design on a magazine I want to create I do not own the Photography in this as it was just a "sketch" as I can't draw :)

Using photo shop I added a title, bar code, news article and edited it.

I came up with the name "snap" as this relates to photography. To make my magazine appeals to the audience more, when I create my magazine I will add my own photography of a college student possibly a "fashionable" "clean-cut" student. I will display and label this students cloth but, also show the readers how to get the look. I will also, price my magazine reasonably to reach my audiences budget. I will sell my magazine further with freebies.
Example: I will have a photo that is funny, not too serousious but had a point behind it.A  PHOTO SIMILAR TO THIS ^^

Sunday 28 November 2010

Accused - Frankie Story

 BBC iPlayer | Accused - Frankie's Story

Accused(By Jimmy McGovern on BBC1), is a very different TV drama to most on the box. Instead of looking at the positive "heroic" side of the Armed Forces it shows the bitter reality behind the media. They show the difficulty's decisions and events the veterans have to go though whilst on top of it fight for their lives. The Drama builds up the "army" stereotype very well.

"The average age of the military man is 19 years. He is a short haired, tight-muscled kid who, under normal circumstances is considered by society as half man, half boy." (

This drama works on this idea even more, it focuses on the men on "just" being able to fight for themselves let alone there county. The story's in this Drama always begin with the 'Accused', then onwards the story unfolds and leads on to find out what has got them into being in Custody.  In "Frankie's Story" its features two young typical lads, who manage to get themselves into a humorous fight which which ternt wrong. Both the lads said they were going to join the army to help drop the charges. However, when the pair arrive in Iraq it had sunk in that it wasn't going to be as easy as they thought. Whilst the pair served in Iraq, Peter was introduced to the "old Fashioned" Bulling of the army. Lance Corp Buckley began labeling him the camp's "bitch" by introducing this "old Fashioned" bulliing it pulls up the importance of the suffering the Veterans go though whist fighting for their county. Peter was then treated poorly not only by Lance Corp Buckley but, also by his fellow veterans and mates. The suffering when unnoticed suggesting this was the "Norm" of Army life. That it happens to everyone and he will survive. But, one night Peter took himself to a dark corner of the camp and shot himself. yet, his suffering still went unnoticed and was covered up by the bully.

When Frankie took a stand, Lance Crops... worded everything slyly and persuaded that Frankie should lie about the way his mate had died. Giving him time off for leisure not to grieve for his best mate. Frankie was now falling into a another stereotype, a more grown up army man, who gets on with what they are doing and takes it into his stride. But, when returning the camp did not like this man who could stand up for what was right. They therefore labeled him as the camp "bitch" the episode began to repeat until the twist came. instead of Frankie killing himself he killed the bully. Frankie still holding the scars of his best mate being dead stood by and continued to lie to keep Peters family happy. Took the blame and was sentence too life.

Sunday 21 November 2010


Take a walk in "her" shoes

Any road is tough no matter what you choose

Behind "her" smile there were tears to come

Hearts to be mended and puzzles to be fixed

While "her" life had stopped, the tears fell harder and "her" story began to unfold

"He" died, so "she" suffered

But, "she" kept smiling and kept her promised to make "him" proud

"She" followed her passion, down the right road

"She" still cried but, "her" story had made her stronger and wiser.

"She" now lives life in colour, "she" looks at the world differently. I am "she"

Monday 1 November 2010

Single Father - BBC Drama starring David Tenant


BBC’s new drama “single Father” starring David Tenant is an emotional tale of someone who has lost someone very dearly but, also suffering his own greif has to get his four other grief-stricken children though it too. It’s sure to bring a tear to everyone’s eye and really effects those who have lost someone themselves and goes thought the trauma and upset and person grieving can deal with.
This four-part drama starring David Tenant as Dave, a father of four and step father of one who loses his partner in a road accident, is not easy to watch.
Not only because they show the tragic ending to his partner’s life many times but the clear graphics and emotion spread over the whole drama makes it heartbreaking and will make you instantly grab for the tissues.
David’s character is going through a loud dramatic grief but using juxtapositions he is very silent with his grief. Most of his emotions are clearly shown in the shots with his facial expressions but, never break though. He is always kept quite as a new problem occurs breaking him little by little. But, Dave don’t help himself when falling in love his partners best friend both characters feeling a sudden guilt of the affair this shocking, emotional drama keeps you on your toes with what around the corner.  
Single Father is undeniably moving and there are several scenes which really hit the mark. Making the drama very realislistic and emphases with the characters thoughts and feelings. 

AS Media Studies Coursework Skills Audit.

  1. I work well as a part of a team
  2. 5
  3. I work better independently
  4. I am confident that I can recognise the audience of various media texts
  5. I am confident that I can recognise representation in various media texts
  6. I am confident that I can research the institutions involved in the creation of various media texts
  7. I am confident that I can replicate the production practices of various media texts
  8. I am confident that I can recognise the narrative of various media texts
  9. I am confident that I can recognise the genre of various media texts
  10. I am confident that I can analyse the audience of various media texts
  11. I am confident that I can analyse representation in various media texts
  12. I am confident that I can analyse the institutions involved in the creation of various media texts
  13. I am confident that I can analyse the production practices of various media texts
  14. I am confident that I can analyse the narrative of various media texts
  15. I am confident that I can analyse the genre of various media texts

Brief 1 Print:

  1. I am skilled at using desktop publishing software like Publisher
  2. I have a lot of experience in taking digital photographs
  3. I am proficient at manipulating images and text in Publisher
  4. I have a lot of practise of using photographic software like photoshop
  5. I read a lot of magazines
  6. I have designed magazines before
  7. I have a good knowledge of what looks good on a page
  8. I am a good writer
  9. I know the terminology of magazines and newspapers thoroughly
  10. I am confident I know the names of the different shot types and camera angles well.

Brief 2 Video:

  1. I am adept at using a digital camcorder#
  2. I have made videos before
  3. I have used editing software like Windows Moviemaker many times
  4. I am aware of the terminology of video editing
  5. I watch a lot of different types of film
  6. I am confident I know the names of the different shot types and camera angles well.
  7. I am good at scriptwriting
  8. I am a proficient storyboarder
  9. I have acted in front of an audience many times
  10. I am confident I could recruit actors to play parts in a short films

Brief 3 Audio:

  1. I listen to the radio often
  2. I have used audio recording software before
  3. I am interested in music
  4. I make my own music (including DJing)
  5. I have acted in front of an audience many times
  6. I have listened to many different types of radio show including soap opera
  7. I am confident I could recruit actors to play parts on a radio show

Brief 4 Website:

  1. I use the internet for many different purposes
  2. I am skilled at using desktop publishing software like Publisher
  3. I am proficient at manipulating images and text in Publisher
  4. I have a good knowledge of what looks good on a page
  5. have a lot of experience in taking digital photographs
  6. I have a lot of practise of using photographic software like Photoshop
  7. I am proficient at creating digital video
  8. I have created or added to websites before

The Presentation of the Research:

  1. I am confident I can use PowerPoint effectively
  2. I often add to online blogs or forums
  3. I have used audio visual software to create podcasts before

The Evaluation of the Research:

  1. I am organised and keep an effective record of my work
  1. I am good at recognising my own strengths

Once you have completed this audit you need to write a brief report of at least two paragraphs that gives an overall impression of what your main strengths and weaknesses are in approaching the coursework unit.

My main strengths in media would be the production side. Creating publications, images, films ECT… I am able to repsent genre, age, and audience very well with in my production work. I am also, good at looking deeper into the meaning and effect of a media artifiact. I am also very good a taking digital photographs and ensembaling them in both photoshop and publisher programs. 

I am not so good at the press side “storys”. I am not confidant in recuting people to become apart of my work. My weaknesses are writing what I think and attempting to finish questions. I often side track when talking and developing ideas.