Monday 29 November 2010

Magazine research.

To help create my first draft of my magazine I need to find out what my audience was looking for in it and also, who my audience were?

I handed out 22 questionnaires, asking my audience typical questions about magazines.

When gathering my research I noticed that the age group of my audience was in the group of 17 - 19 or just along the border meaning I could single my Magazine off to a audience of just colleges and 6th formers. This would make it easier to distribute to my audience. Also, in my questionnaire allot of the audience preferred maths & English adcemic subjects. So when I design my layout of my magazine I will have to focus allot on the content inside. For the "mathematicians" I will add a lot of riddles and make complicated reviews and  tutorials for them to work out and keep them interested. Were as for the "Literate" I will include wiritng full of meaning and relate to allot of books ECT. But, taking into account my question "What do you dislike about magazines?" a huge majority of my audience answered that there was too much writing.

My audience are also, generally attracted to Art magazines, Fashion and Beauty and gossip magazines. So when I rethought my idea I decided I was going to go for a photography Magazine which featured Fashion & beauty, with Gossip articles mixed in. Here is a rough design on a magazine I want to create I do not own the Photography in this as it was just a "sketch" as I can't draw :)

Using photo shop I added a title, bar code, news article and edited it.

I came up with the name "snap" as this relates to photography. To make my magazine appeals to the audience more, when I create my magazine I will add my own photography of a college student possibly a "fashionable" "clean-cut" student. I will display and label this students cloth but, also show the readers how to get the look. I will also, price my magazine reasonably to reach my audiences budget. I will sell my magazine further with freebies.
Example: I will have a photo that is funny, not too serousious but had a point behind it.A  PHOTO SIMILAR TO THIS ^^

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