Monday 1 November 2010

Single Father - BBC Drama starring David Tenant


BBC’s new drama “single Father” starring David Tenant is an emotional tale of someone who has lost someone very dearly but, also suffering his own greif has to get his four other grief-stricken children though it too. It’s sure to bring a tear to everyone’s eye and really effects those who have lost someone themselves and goes thought the trauma and upset and person grieving can deal with.
This four-part drama starring David Tenant as Dave, a father of four and step father of one who loses his partner in a road accident, is not easy to watch.
Not only because they show the tragic ending to his partner’s life many times but the clear graphics and emotion spread over the whole drama makes it heartbreaking and will make you instantly grab for the tissues.
David’s character is going through a loud dramatic grief but using juxtapositions he is very silent with his grief. Most of his emotions are clearly shown in the shots with his facial expressions but, never break though. He is always kept quite as a new problem occurs breaking him little by little. But, Dave don’t help himself when falling in love his partners best friend both characters feeling a sudden guilt of the affair this shocking, emotional drama keeps you on your toes with what around the corner.  
Single Father is undeniably moving and there are several scenes which really hit the mark. Making the drama very realislistic and emphases with the characters thoughts and feelings. 

1 comment:

  1. Excellent review Georgie, just what I was looking for. Single Father was indeed brilliant and a wonderful example of contemporary British Drama. If you enjoyed it I would recommend a film called 'Jack and Sarah' starring Richard E Grant. It's a similar storyline.
