Thursday 27 January 2011

"Life on Mars"

"After being involved in a car accident in 2006, DCI Sam Tyler (Simm) wakes up to find himself in 1973, the era of 'Sweeney' type policing, Mark III Cortinas, and flared trousers."

How is power represented?

Life on Mars is a TV drama set in the 70's it is a hybrid of genres including Crime, Drama and History. 

Shot reverse shot - showing the intense conversation between the two characters, Sam and Mia. This also, shows the strain working together can cause on a relationship. Both, characters screen times are equal to show there equality.  Also, showing their equality in the relationship between them outside of work...

Sexism - The men have overall more control in this clip, it is also, male dominated in both cuts and focused around the male character Sam. 

Eye line shot - Shows the view of the character, this shows how distracted and how little interest he has in what the his other college has to say. It also, shows the power he has and that he is dominating this clip. It also shows the little respect he is having for his partner and lack of focus for the job.

Ellipsis - The scene is then closed with an ellipsis to show the change in time. This has been used to show a few hours have past but, also to set a new mood within the drama's narrative. It shows that both characters have now started new task and are not together working. 

Long take - When the conversation between Sam and Mia is taking place over the phone a long take is used to help build suspense. The viewers can see that Sam is in a safe place but, Mia is only heard of though the phone... This makes the audience think and wonder what is going to happen to Mia, while the audience are being build up with the story.

When filming the chains of the swings can connote the divide and tension between both Sam and his other college. Also, when Sam first enters the crime scene we walks straight past the "Yellow" tape showing his power and authority in the is scene also, the fact that he is center shot show this power.The connection of both the crime scene and the playground is Juxtaposed, from the Sweet innocence of the children's playground of bright colours to the dark, reds of the blood from the crime scene. This innocence makes the crime a little more interesting and thrilling for the audience has they have been changed with to two opposites..


  1. Georgie.

    Can I start by saying how fantastic your blog is looking! You are making an excellent effort to keep it updated and using it creatively.

    Good work on editing techniques in the LoM extract. How confident do you feel about analysing editing now?

  2. Why thank you miss.

    I am feeling very confidant, it is also, quite amusing looking into so much detail over one tiny clip when I come to think of it...
