Thursday 27 January 2011

"White girl"

How is age represented in this extract?

In this extract age is represented in many forms... You are either a child or a Adult. Children have no say, the Adults are treated with respect until the psychological roles reverse within the characters. Children are supposed to act "grownup" even thought there not aloud to know what is going on. In the end the children are left to be the "mature" and "grown up" figures. It is Juxtaposed as the Adults are behaving like children and immature and the Children are mature and dealing with the issues the drama faces. 

First we are introduced to a child in a long shot riding into focus in a childlike manner across the Grass, in the next cut she is now on the road. Suggesting she is very "street wise" and "grown-up" for her age. In these two cuts age has been approached though both the Mise En Scene and the shot type. 

I noticed that when the adults were introduced they were cut edited shots focused more on the task they were doing compared to the "arty" "delicate" approach the shots and edits have to the children. Children are represented as careless and worry free.


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