Friday 25 March 2011

Q7 - Media Studies - Music Magazine evaluation

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

Q6 - Media Studies - Music Magazine evaluation

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Q5 - Media Studies - Music Magazine evaluation

Magazine cover by GeorgieStyles
Magazine cover, a photo by GeorgieStyles on Flickr.


How did you attract/address your audience?

when approaching my audience i have used a direct mode of address, images portray a clear message and overall addresses the audience positively. I have attracted them with models with high fashion sense, quality images, and overall a clear presentation.

Some magazines use a different approach when communicating to there audience like the change of words, and usually with an informal text, but as i aim my magazine at students with a high intelligence i generally approach them formally to show the importance of the information being received across the board.

Q4 - Media Studies - Music Magazine evaluation

Who would be your target audience for your media product?

My target aduance are teenagers of the age 16-18 who attend further education Ie: 6th form or college... My questionnaire found that a high percentage of my audience will be female. 
They generally like to listen to RnB, Indie, Rap and Rock music. My audience are intregiged but the undergound scene and enjoy leaning about up and coming bands/artists...
Alot of the students i questioned are arty and unique. They study subjects like Media, art, Photography, ict, textiles... Generally the creative subjects. 

I based my audience on Taylor... 
An individual, unique arty student. She listens to mainly indie, some pop and rock music, but listen to a variety of artist and bands... She likes going to concerts. She wears a lot of vintage clothing, and shops in high street shops as she is still a student with no income this is hard and causes her to be original.

Q3 - Media Studies - Music Magazine evaluation

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

when distributing my Music Magazine I will take into account the overall genre my magazine is representing.  As my magazine is representing a indie/rock genre I would probably distribute it though the institution "IPC Media" as this distributes magazines such as NME, a typical indie magazine. 
"IPC are based in the UK with a large portfolio selling over 350 million copies a year. They publish women’s weekly magazines such as ‘Look’ and music magazines (NME) and also ‘Loaded’." 
As my magazine is different to other magazines on the market as it is specialised in the underground music scene, this would make my magazine stand out on the market and cause competition on the market for other magazine like "smash hits", "Kerrang", "XXL" ECT... I think a company would like to distribute my magazine as it is different...

Thursday 24 March 2011

Q2 - Media Studies - Music Magazine evaluation


In this photo I took the image of Rewind magazine of star Jessie J for inspiration. in this shot I love the attitude that is coming thought the model. I therefore wanted to achieve this myself in a shot of my own. I also wanted to make the colour red stand out to question the attuide with passion/love as this is what the colour red can sometimes cannote but, seeing as it can also cannote danger this makes the viewers double take this image and read in between the original story it is telling. .

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Q1 - Media Studies - Music Magazine evaluation

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?