Sunday 20 March 2011

Troubles I have faced with my work...

Photoshoots, edits and technology...
As the photographer I had the pressure of taking most of the group photos for my group. This proved difficult when choosing locations as we all picked different genres to represent the underground music. But, this was also an advantage as this meant our images were original and very unique. We used a digital SLR camera to produce our photos and worked on photoshop and fireworks to edit the images. 
 I also used a graphics tablet to import and help create doodles, edits and some fonts... the rest of my fonts used were downloaded from 

Photoshop skills:
The use of blendmode, 
"What Are Layer Blend Modes?
Quite simply, layer blend modes give us different ways for a layer to interact with, or "blend" with, the layer or layers below it. Without layer blend modes, the only real way we have of blending layers together is by reducing the opacity (or fill) of a layer, which usually doesn't give us very interesting results. But with blend modes, not only do they unlock a world of creative possibilities, especially when we combine them with layer masks, they can also be extremely helpful when it comes to editing, retouching and restoring photos, and they can save us a whole lot of time!" 
Alot of the help I had with photoshop I got from here

I also did alot of basic editing just to alter the lighting, contrast and colours for example... 

Here is the original image >>
I made a selection around the model, I then inverse the selection, selecting the background and desaturated the image. 
Another example...
 Changed the hue and saturation levels then added a text over the top of the image this created a cold feeling to the edit and made it more "street" "grungy" 

Another example...
edited the contrast and brightness levels I then cropped into the image and turned the saturation levels down a little bit 

another problem I encountered was half way though my drafts I lost the use of photoshop but luckily I had done my main edits for the images, graphics and headlines and had macromedia fireworks on hand I used Microsoft publisher 2010 to design my layout clearly and imported all design pieces into this too. 

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