Friday 25 March 2011

Q7 - Media Studies - Music Magazine evaluation

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

Q6 - Media Studies - Music Magazine evaluation

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Q5 - Media Studies - Music Magazine evaluation

Magazine cover by GeorgieStyles
Magazine cover, a photo by GeorgieStyles on Flickr.


How did you attract/address your audience?

when approaching my audience i have used a direct mode of address, images portray a clear message and overall addresses the audience positively. I have attracted them with models with high fashion sense, quality images, and overall a clear presentation.

Some magazines use a different approach when communicating to there audience like the change of words, and usually with an informal text, but as i aim my magazine at students with a high intelligence i generally approach them formally to show the importance of the information being received across the board.

Q4 - Media Studies - Music Magazine evaluation

Who would be your target audience for your media product?

My target aduance are teenagers of the age 16-18 who attend further education Ie: 6th form or college... My questionnaire found that a high percentage of my audience will be female. 
They generally like to listen to RnB, Indie, Rap and Rock music. My audience are intregiged but the undergound scene and enjoy leaning about up and coming bands/artists...
Alot of the students i questioned are arty and unique. They study subjects like Media, art, Photography, ict, textiles... Generally the creative subjects. 

I based my audience on Taylor... 
An individual, unique arty student. She listens to mainly indie, some pop and rock music, but listen to a variety of artist and bands... She likes going to concerts. She wears a lot of vintage clothing, and shops in high street shops as she is still a student with no income this is hard and causes her to be original.

Q3 - Media Studies - Music Magazine evaluation

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

when distributing my Music Magazine I will take into account the overall genre my magazine is representing.  As my magazine is representing a indie/rock genre I would probably distribute it though the institution "IPC Media" as this distributes magazines such as NME, a typical indie magazine. 
"IPC are based in the UK with a large portfolio selling over 350 million copies a year. They publish women’s weekly magazines such as ‘Look’ and music magazines (NME) and also ‘Loaded’." 
As my magazine is different to other magazines on the market as it is specialised in the underground music scene, this would make my magazine stand out on the market and cause competition on the market for other magazine like "smash hits", "Kerrang", "XXL" ECT... I think a company would like to distribute my magazine as it is different...

Thursday 24 March 2011

Q2 - Media Studies - Music Magazine evaluation


In this photo I took the image of Rewind magazine of star Jessie J for inspiration. in this shot I love the attitude that is coming thought the model. I therefore wanted to achieve this myself in a shot of my own. I also wanted to make the colour red stand out to question the attuide with passion/love as this is what the colour red can sometimes cannote but, seeing as it can also cannote danger this makes the viewers double take this image and read in between the original story it is telling. .

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Q1 - Media Studies - Music Magazine evaluation

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Sunday 20 March 2011

Troubles I have faced with my work...

Photoshoots, edits and technology...
As the photographer I had the pressure of taking most of the group photos for my group. This proved difficult when choosing locations as we all picked different genres to represent the underground music. But, this was also an advantage as this meant our images were original and very unique. We used a digital SLR camera to produce our photos and worked on photoshop and fireworks to edit the images. 
 I also used a graphics tablet to import and help create doodles, edits and some fonts... the rest of my fonts used were downloaded from 

Photoshop skills:
The use of blendmode, 
"What Are Layer Blend Modes?
Quite simply, layer blend modes give us different ways for a layer to interact with, or "blend" with, the layer or layers below it. Without layer blend modes, the only real way we have of blending layers together is by reducing the opacity (or fill) of a layer, which usually doesn't give us very interesting results. But with blend modes, not only do they unlock a world of creative possibilities, especially when we combine them with layer masks, they can also be extremely helpful when it comes to editing, retouching and restoring photos, and they can save us a whole lot of time!" 
Alot of the help I had with photoshop I got from here

I also did alot of basic editing just to alter the lighting, contrast and colours for example... 

Here is the original image >>
I made a selection around the model, I then inverse the selection, selecting the background and desaturated the image. 
Another example...
 Changed the hue and saturation levels then added a text over the top of the image this created a cold feeling to the edit and made it more "street" "grungy" 

Another example...
edited the contrast and brightness levels I then cropped into the image and turned the saturation levels down a little bit 

another problem I encountered was half way though my drafts I lost the use of photoshop but luckily I had done my main edits for the images, graphics and headlines and had macromedia fireworks on hand I used Microsoft publisher 2010 to design my layout clearly and imported all design pieces into this too. 

Finished products

Saturday 19 March 2011


The character I was creating for my magazine was an indie artist. I wanted a classy but also rebellious feel to the girl. I put her in a blazer, which is usually of a formal attire I mixed it up with a SHORT bodycon skirt adding a femine girl feel and a little pink shirt. The formal blazer added class but, also created a rebellious look as a blazer you usually tend to wear with a suite. Then added fashion pieces of jewelry to relate to our audience and show a good fashion sense but, a unique and new fashion!! 



Band’s/Musicians- Paramore, Dita Von Teese, unveil, 
Genre- Rock, Goth, metal, punk, thrash, classic indie, unsigned bands 

The dark clothes represent that they tend not to wear colour, that they are emotionally distressed of even a Goth. When I look at the title it looks like it has been cut up with a pair of scissors and ripped this suggests that that like to destroy thing’s. The colours used are very bright compared to the pictures this is to make the writing stand out. The pictures are all in a similar styles and are all close-up’s of there faces. The photos have little colour with loads of black make-up. The main photo is a person who looks very confused and distressed. The font is as though it is screaming KERRANG! To your face. The picture also give us the impression that they don’t care what they look like as MAKE-UP is seterotypilcy a female fashion item. The setting of the photo in the left hand corner is set in a Setting in which these “Type” of people Meaning, Goths Emos Ect. “Hang Out” .  The fact that the image of Gerard way can me overlapping the title suggests this is a well known magazine and the title is recognisable either way. Gender has been represented quite well on this cover the page is male dominated but with pink writing suggesting its for a more female audience “bedroom wall” poster effect. Also, with the “and more…” written just above the man pelvis area grabs with reader in with sexual innuendo suggesting you buy this mag you will see more?! The fact that the used of “white space” has been filled procreative and colourfully this shows it’s a busy magazine and will keep the readers engaged at all times…  

Font faces:
All fonts on this magazine are bold and colourful. They attach the audience’s eye with “stylish” and “modern” fonts. The use of Pinks and Purples aim the magazine at a female audience. The more serious articles are put in serious colours and sections off with “grown up” font faces.

Images used are mainly of topless men from boy bands, for girls to “drool over”. There typical images for a “Girly” magazine as they are posed, and airbrushed. All photographs are also, staged making the magazine more professional. Clipart has been used to break to page down a bit. To make the magazine less serious. 

The magazine front cover is quite cluttered suggesting it is jampaced with information, attracting the audience even more as they will be getting more for their money. On the front page a large image of a boy band. If the magazine was not well known or they had a large readership they would not be able to do this as a magazine as the audience would not know the title. This shows that their magazine is well known & popular. Also, the magazine follows the regular conventions of a magazine with the title at the top of the page and the bar code at the bottom right hand side. The little  snippets of information are sectioned of in importance for the more important topics the information is sectioned off clearly and more formally, were as the “gossip” articles are more comical and layed back with the text and images placed alongside.

The cost of the magazine is £2.20. The reason the price of the magazine is relatively low is because of their target audience.

When looking at the title it is called now because it is full of the latest gossip and celeb action, it make the magazine look modern and new. Also, with it only being one word it make the magazine more memorable. It is in a simple font making the magazine look easier to read. Suggesting also, it’s for an older reader with no fancy writing just "what you see is what you get approach. The front page is also; quite cluttered suggesting there is a lot of information/gossip packed inside making it look more interesting. They have genially put the most famous celebs on the front cover, also but putting a “world exclusive” sticker in the right hand corner they have made the magazine more limited. Almost 90% of the images used on the front cover have the celeb caught “surprised” or “unaware” suggesting the gossip is more revealing. Most of the women on the page are also, mothers of middle aged to early 30’s suggesting this magazines target audience is more a middle aged female population. The cover genially fits well into the “gossip” magazine genre. The number of articles in this magazine make the audience feel as though they are up to date with a wide range of issues. The front cover has a use of a wide range of colourful images and text witch automatically attracts the audience’s eyes. The images are usually of a high quality and look very professional but, also “sneaky”.  With this magazine being a professional magazine it makes the reader feel safe with the knowledge that the news and information is always up to date. They gather a lot of readers by appealing to their sub-cultural identity, making their product looking professional and official by including general information about a number of topics not just one.
Overall the front of the magazine looks cheep, suggesting it is possibly aimed at the working/lower class. Even though the magazine looks professional it looks as if the information has been stuff and cluttered onto the page to give it more of a chance to be brought.
Most of the advertisements in the magazine are aimed at middle aged working class women. Raging through cosmetics, hair products, cleaning products and groceries. Not only the is an advert to every two pages in the magazine. Overall there is 25 adverts in the magazine all by different manufactures, suggesting it is also a cheaper magazine because it needs a lot of sponsors but, could also been seen to being aiming at the working class suggesting a advertising the deals and offers about.

nme double page spread (1) by GeorgieStyles
nme double page spread (1), a photo by GeorgieStyles on Flickr.

3184362171_b93651e961 by GeorgieStyles
3184362171_b93651e961, a photo by GeorgieStyles on Flickr.

Final drafts

Need to add a price, information banner and another image and article. 
Make it a little easier to read

Say who wrote the articles

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Our photo shoot!

When planning our photo shoot we had to take into account the time that each member of our group would be free, so we took our photo's during our half term. We planned the shot in an "underground" "unknown" area and also, in an iconic part of London to appeal to our audiences personal identity. We also, posed in famous poses using iconography to relate to our audience some more!

When doing our shoot we visited several locations to alter the images every time. We also photoshopped some of the lighting, brightness and contrast to develop our photos a lil more! When editing our drafts we altered the saturation and also cropped some of the original photographs to fit within the running of the magazines...